python script to update ansible tasks, playbooks, handlers etc. to use fully qualified module names (even for ansible buildins) by searching for all known modules that are not in fqcn notation and replacing them with the fqcn name.
URL: ansible-fqcn-converter @ github
is a small, fast and highly configurable RFC 3912 compliant whois server written in java and using a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) as a storage engine.
JWhoisServer has support for IPv6 and IDN and is ready for ICANNs "new gTLDs Program"
URL: JWhoisServer @
A Hierarchical Yaml Python Config
A simple python lib allowing hierarchical overlay of config files in YAML syntax,
offering different merge methods and variable interpolation based on jinja2.
is a data base-supported software for the control and configuration of a mail system consisting of the components: Postfix, Courier and Mysql.
multi language (up-to-date: translations for German and English)
multi-user with a administrative rights system (kind of AAA)
is a tool to compute and check MD5, MD4, MD2, SHA-160, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, RIPEMD128, RIPEMD160, WHIRLPOOL, TIGER, HAVAL message digest consisting of a Console-Version and GUI.
Implemented in Java.
URL: JSummer @